The higher lever of compilation, the most optimised will be your code.
-XX:+UnlockDiagnosticVMOptions -XX:+LogCompilation: See compilation details in file with more details.
-XX:+PrintCodeCache: See the size of the code cache. Change the code cache: -XX:InitialCodeCacheSize -XX:ReservedCodeCacheSize -XX:CodeCacheExpansionSize
-XX:CompileThreshold: num of threads to use for native compilation -XX:CompileThreshold: num of times that a method needs to be invoked before the code is cached.
If app needs more than 4GB and using many long or double types, use 64 bit.
What is the -client flag? More flags: -server or -d64
get all running java comands and [ID]s.
get the flag value of a running java process.
There are three sections:
The standard definition of a memory leak is a scenario that occurs when objects are no longer being used by the application, but the Garbage Collector is unable to remove them from working memory – because they’re still being referenced. As a result, the application consumes more and more resources – which eventually leads to a fatal OutOfMemoryError.
-XX:+HeapDumpOnOutOfMemoryError -XX:HeapDumpPath=somepath