High School

Students gathered together outside

Engineers share an immense curiosity about how the world works and an intense desire to make it work better. The practice of engineering opens doors to a remarkable number of career opportunities — in scientific, technical, humanitarian and social fields, where creativity and imagination meet technical rigour, real-world practicality and purpose.

Explore 14 different engineering disciplines. Pursue challenging academic coursework. Meet like-minded solution seekers. Discover your passions. Unlock your potential, all while revelling in a natural paradise. UBC Engineering is the perfect place to build school-work-life balance.

If you are entering UBC Engineering directly from high school, you'll want to find out more about:

Admission Requirements

Ensure you are taking the required courses in high school whether you are currently studying at a:

Students will apply in the fall of their grade 12 year, for more details on the application, review our resource about how to apply.

Choosing a Specialization