Where does the ruffle flash player save permanent files to, like game saves, or configurations?

As this question and answer seems to be horribly outdated: Where does flash player save permanent files to, like game saves, or configurations? is there something similar for the ruffle flash player?

asked Apr 14, 2023 at 19:39 111 1 1 silver badge 4 4 bronze badges Probably best to ask on the discord ruffle.rs & discord.gg/ruffle – user1482432 Commented Apr 14, 2023 at 19:45

There are easy ways to detect this yourself. Process Monitor is a popular tool, also e.g. Everything with sorting by date modified can show it really quickly.

Commented Apr 14, 2023 at 19:47

1 Answer 1

Where does the ruffle flash player save permanent files to?

Ruffle writes Flash save data into Local Storage. Local Storage is stored client-side and not on the server. However, Flash content could send the data to a server via an HTTP request (see below). Storage in Flash happens through the use of SharedObject .

So where is browser Window:localStorage located?

It depends on what browser you are running:

answered Apr 14, 2023 at 20:04 DavidPostill ♦ DavidPostill 159k 77 77 gold badges 365 365 silver badges 409 409 bronze badges

Apparently you can also just right click the flash application and as of right now it opens a context menu where you can download the .swf, but also access the "Save Manager", which offers a GUI to download, delete and replace data stored by that app in case one doesn't want to deal with the sql database. Though anyway massive thank you for the answer!