The Residence Life Department employs around 15 professional staff members in various capacities, from deans to directors to department assistants. While our jobs differ, our hearts are unified in our desire to promote student learning and faith formation for all Calvin students who call campus housing their home. To meet us, as well as others whose work connects with living communities on campus, visit the Residence Hall Leadership or Calvin Apartment Leadership pages, or see our “Contact us” page.
The Community Life Council (CLC), facilitated by Residence Life Professional Staff, is composed of Resident Assistants, Social Events Team (SET), Residence Hall Executive Team (RHET), the Barnabas team, and Sustainability Coordinators (SC). CLCs exist to embody the “ta panta” concept: that all of our work is interconnected and directed at the goal of student learning and growth towards discipleship in God’s all-encompassing kingdom. The CLC model puts a high value on community and partnership. All of this happens to better support God's redemptive work on earth and the overall mission of Calvin University.
Area Coordinators and Graduate Interns are staff members (not students) who reside in an apartment within each residence hall. These staff members oversee the Resident Assistants, support student success, intervene during crisis situations, provide overall leadership for the community, oversee student conduct, and lead the Community Life Council.
The Resident Assistants (RAs) are paid upperclass student staff who live on each floor. They are well acquainted with the facilities and services at Calvin and are trained to help residents navigate college life and assist with challenges that may arise. Each one has demonstrated a desire to share their knowledge and experience with others in order to encourage them in their personal and spiritual growth. RAs are responsible for enforcing policies in order to maintain an atmosphere conducive to studying and Christian community. Read the full position description.
Social Events Teams (SET) are composed of a small group of first- and second-year students and the floor RA. The team plans floor outings and activities with the purpose of building relationships and developing a floor identity. Participating in the SET can be an excellent way to get involved with hall leadership and positively impact your community. Read the full position description.
Campus Ministries hires a volunteer staff of Barnabas members who are responsible for providing weekly community worship and empowering small groups for Bible study, prayer, accountability and/or a book study. Read the full position description.
Residence Life hires a volunteer staff of Sustainability Coordinators to promote creation care in the halls. SCs attend SC meetings, assist with the planning of Mad Farmer Food Fest and Kill-a-watt, support campus events related to sustainability and encourage sustainable lifestyle practices.
The Area Coordinator (AC) is a full-time, non-student staff member who supervises the overall operation of the on-campus apartment community (including all of KE and Alliance). They are responsible for enacting Residence Life’s mission within the apartments. The AC acts as an advisor to the RAs and other apartment professional staff and promotes adherence to community expectations. They work closely with the Facilities staff as well, to ensure well cared-for facilities.
The KE Housing Coordinator is a full-time, non-student staff member who supervises housing over fall and spring semesters as well as University break housing (over Christmas, Spring, and Summer breaks). They are responsible for overseeing apartment placements with guidance from the Area Coordinator, supervising KE front desk student staff, and managing the KE activity funds.
The KE Programming Intern is a part-time student position that works with the Programming Activities Counsel (PAC) to develop social, educational, spiritual, and service-learning programs for KE in collaboration with other departments on campus.
The Resident Assistants (RAs) are students who live in each apartment complex. They are well acquainted with the facilities and services at Calvin and are trained to help residents navigate college life and assist with challenges that may arise. Each one has demonstrated a desire to share their knowledge and experience with others in order to encourage them in their personal and spiritual growth. RAs are responsible for enforcing policies in order to maintain an atmosphere conducive to studying and Christian community. They will also plan activities for their specific apartment complex to encourage community between apartments.
The PAC is composed of volunteer members of the KE community eager to provide opportunities for connection among residents living in KE. PAC members’ primary focus is planning social, educational, and spiritual, and service-learning events for all the apartments that encourage residents to interact with their community.