Rotfleisch Samulovitch PC is one of Canada's premier boutique tax law firms. Its website,, has a large database of original Canadian tax articles. Founding tax lawyer David J Rotfleisch, JD, CA, CPA, frequently appears in print, radio and television. Their tax lawyers deal with CRA auditors and collectors on a daily basis and carry out tax planning as well.
Section 85 of the Federal Income Tax Act, also known as a rollover provision, outlines the conditions required for a tax-deferred transfer of eligible property by a taxpayer to a taxable Canadian corporation.
Canada Tax To print this article, all you need is to be registered or login on 85(1) is utilized by sole proprietors who have built successful businesses and would like to incorporate to take advantage of lower small business tax rates and limited liability protection. This provision then allows them to transfer eligible property to the corporation on a tax-deferred basis. In addition, this provision is useful for corporations looking to reorganize their assets into a more tax-efficient structure by transferring assets or shares into incorporated holding companies. This article will provide an overview of the requirements of a tax-deferred transfer of property to a corporation under section 85 of the Tax Act.
By default, under subsection 69(1) of the Tax Act, a taxpayer who acquires property from a non-arm's length party at an amount greater than its FMV is deemed to have acquired it at its FMV. Conversely, where a taxpayer disposes of property to a non-arm's length party for less than its FMV, or to anyone as a gift, the proceeds of disposition are deemed to equal the FMV of the property. Lastly, where a taxpayer acquires property by way of gift, bequest or inheritance or because of a disposition that does not result in a change of the beneficial ownership, the taxpayer is deemed to acquire the property at its FMV.
When a taxpayer transfers property to a taxable Canadian corporation, and both parties jointly elect to proceed under a subsection 85(1) rollover, she is exempt from the deeming rules of subsection 69(1). The tax deferral for the taxpayer continues until she disposes of the capital stock that she received as consideration for the property. Deferring taxation on the disposition of property is always advantageous where the FMV of the property at the time of disposition is greater than the cost of the property to the taxpayer.
There are five key considerations for determining whether the subsection 85(1) rollover provision may be available to a taxpayer.
When filing a joint election, the transferor and transferee must choose an elected amount, which represents the proceeds of disposition for the transferor and the cost to the transferee corporation. The Tax Act prescribes the following upper and lower limits on the elected amount:
For example, John is a sole proprietor and owns a building with a cost amount of $100,000, and FMV of $400,000. He would like to transfer the building to a taxable Canadian corporation, JCo, for Class A common shares and a note for $90,000 and file a subsection 85(1) joint election. The upper limit of the elected amount would be the FMV of the property, which is $400,000. The lower limit of the elected amount would be $100,000, which represents the cost amount of the property to the transferor at the time of disposition. The parties can choose an elected amount between $100,000 and $400,000. If the parties choose an elected amount of $100,000, the transfer will not immediately trigger capital gains tax liability for John because the proceeds of disposition would be equal to his cost amount for the building. For John, the cost of the JCo shares is the difference between the elected amount and the FMV of the non-share consideration.
Selecting the appropriate elected amount is crucial, because the CRA can reassess the transfer and change the elected amount if it is incorrect. A reassessment of the elected amount may impose significant and immediate tax liabilities on the transferor. For this reason, agreements between non-arm's length parties for transfers of property should include a Price-Adjustment Clause to provide for an adjustment in the transaction price in the event that the CRA or a court of law determines that the FMV or the cost of the property is greater or less than what was determined by the parties.
In preparing to file a joint election under subsection 85(1), it is wise to have a valuation done on the assets being transferred, particularly with respect to intangible assets. Intangible assets, like goodwill, patents, and trademarks are often transferred between sole proprietors and corporations but their value may not be accurately reflected on the balance sheet, if at all. A reasonable assessment of their FMV may help avoid reassessment by the CRA down the line. The section 85 rollover agreement is a technical tax document and our experienced Canadian tax lawyers can assist you with structuring and documenting the section 85 rollover agreement.
The content of this article is intended to provide a general guide to the subject matter. Specialist advice should be sought about your specific circumstances.